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Organisation Page

The organisation page allows you to manage your organisation display name and subscription details.

Organisation Display Name

This is purely for display purposes and does not affect your DMARC records, reports, or billing. You can change this at any time.

Alert Email Addresses

This section allows you to add and remove email addresses that will receive operational alerts for your organisation. At this time, alerts are only sent for domains that have transitioned from parked to active status. If you don't want to receive operational alerts, you can remove all alert email addresses on the alert page. Note billing alerts are only sent to the billing email which is managed in the billing section.


This section displays your current subscription details, including your plan, subscription status, billing email, billing customer, domain count, user count, and the number of processed emails for the current month.

  • Plan: Your current plan name.
  • Subscription Status: Your current subscription status.
    • Trialling: You are currently trialling VerifyDMARC.
    • Active: Your subscription is active and will continue to renew.
    • Canceled: Your subscription is canceled and will not renew at expiry.
    • Past Due: Your subscription is past due and may be canceled if not paid shortly.
    • Unpaid: Your subscription is unpaid and may be canceled if not paid shortly.
  • Billing Email: The email address to which billing notifications are sent.
    • This should be an email address that is actively monitored and can respond to expired credit cards, failed payments, and other billing issues.
  • Billing Customer: The name to be shown on your invoices.
  • Domain Count: The number of domains in your subscription and the maximum number of domains allowed on your current plan.
  • Current Month Email Count: The number of emails processed for the current month and the maximum number of emails allowed on your current plan.
    • If you reach your email limit, VerifyDMARC will stop processing any new DMARC reports until the next month.

Subscription Management

Select the Manage Billing button to manage your subscription, including updating your payment method, changing your plan, and viewing your invoices. You will be taken to our partner Stripe to securely process your payments and manage your subscription.

Closing your Account

There are two ways to close your account. You can either cancel your subscription, which will keep your VerifyDMARC account active until the expiry date, then stop processing any new data, or you can use the Delete Organisation option to immediately cancel and delete your organisation.

Cancelling your Subscription

Use the Manage Billing button to be taken to our partner Stripe to manage your subscription. You can cancel your subscription from there. Your subscription will remain active until the expiry date, and you will not be billed again.

Once expiry is reached, we will stop processing any new DMARC reports for your domains and your data will begin to age out. If you subsequently renew your subscription, we will resume processing new DMARC reports.

Deleting your Organisation

Select the Show button under Delete Organisation to delete your organisation. You will be shown the consequences of deleting your organisation and asked to confirm your decision.

This action is immediate and cannot be undone. All data will be removed, and you will no longer be able to access your VerifyDMARC account.


If there is any reason you are considering closing your account, we would love to hear from you why. Please contact us at